"How to recover deleted photos from your memory card"?
Now you can use very good recovery software for ever for recovery of your deleted files.One of the main reason why a SD or CF card gets corruptedis the carelessness of the person.Here you can recover files in any formate like exe, doc, pdf and so on.,,.copy pasting from your computer to memory card may causes the SD card to be unreadable by thecamera.why its happening will be un predictable in many cases .
For eg:Due to some unforeseen incident, Canon 450D camera’s SD memory card appears to be corrupted, downloading images is not possible because my computer refuses to recognize the corrupted SD card file format system.
- Fast scanning logic- Restore any file that has not been written over
- Securely wipe/shred files
- Works with images, video, music, archives and binaries
Undelete My File : DOWNLOAD